airman on aircraft wing at sunset

Join the
Air National Guard

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Serve your country and your community

Serve in a way that fits your lifestyle, working in the state you want and in a career that suits you with the flexibility to follow your personal goals out of uniform.



Key things to consider


There are several criteria you must meet before joining the Air National Guard, regarding your background, health and other standards set by the Air Force, Department of Defense, and federal law.

  • Age requirements vary depending on the path you choose:

    • To enlist or join as an officer, you must be between the ages of 17 and have not reached your 42nd birthday.

    The Air National Guard maintains height and weight requirements to ensure our Airmen are physically capable of carrying out their tasks. These vary slightly depending on your desired position.

    We utilize a Body Mass Index (BMI) range of 17.5 to 27.5 to determine height-to-weight ratio for body composition. When a recruit is outside of this BMI range, recruiters will use a body fat measurement (BFM) with a maximum range of 26% for males and 36% for females.

Background image of Airmen on the flightline

Your base information

The Aim High app is your one-stop shop for connecting with recruiters and staying up-to-date on the latest Air Force news, opportunities, events and more.


  • The Air National Guard has strict requirements and restrictions regarding body modifications. If you plan to get a tattoo or other body modifications, carefully consider placement, size and content before you proceed.

    Tattoos, brands or piercings anywhere on the body that are prejudicial, or of a nature that may bring discredit to the organization, are prohibited. 

    There are no size or area limitations for authorized tattoos on the chest (below an open collar), back, arms and legs. Tattoos, brands and body markings are prohibited on the head, face, tongue, lips and scalp. One neck tattoo is allowed, but it cannot exceed one inch in measurement in any direction and must be placed behind either ear.

    Hand tattoos are limited to one single-band ring tattoo, on one finger, on one hand and must not exceed ⅜ of an inch below the knuckle and above the finger joint (portion closest to the palm). In addition, a single tattoo is allowed on each hand and must not exceed one inch in any direction.

    In some cases, certain exceptions may apply.

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